Umme Roman, Riaz Rahman, Ashis Talukder
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Around 64.9% Students from the total respondents were anxious and 46.3% were showed to have depressive symptoms in the whole study. These percentages are comparatively high for suffering from different mental issues. In the study, there were 56.5% were male participants and 43.5% were female. Besides, Compared to the female students, male students were showed to have more anxiety (37.7%). Among the total respondents 60.4% were in twenty one to twenty four age range and the rest 43.5% were in the age range of twenty five to thirty. Anxiety and depressive symptoms were comparatively high in the twenty five to thirty age range (41.8%), (48.4%) students compared to the twenty one to twenty four age range students. There is a positive association of age with anxiety. Moreover, those students who were doing under-graduation program found with 34.0% anxiety symptoms and the students were in post-graduation found with 30.5% anxiety symptoms and rest of them were doing others educational course surprisingly found with high percentage of anxiety symptoms (60.0%). However the depressive symptoms among under-graduation, post-graduation and others were high. Those who were doing other educational course found with extensive percentage of depressive symptoms (80.0%) and this is literally inimical. There is a positive association of their educational level with depressive symptoms. In the whole study it is found that, students who stayed university area have showed the higher anxiety symptoms (47.4%) than the students stayed at home during the COVID-19 lockdown and there is a positive association (p-value 0.004) of it with anxiety. Similarly, those who stayed university area have showed with great depressive symptoms (52.6%) compared to the students who stayed at home during the COVID-19 epidemic. However, students who faced mental issues, they were showed to have more anxious (35.1%) and depressive symptoms (47.1%). For long time been in this problem is comparatively high to have anxiety and depressive symptoms. The students who were more than 5 months showed to have more anxiety (62.5%) and depressive symptoms (62.5%) than those who suffered by two months. There is a positive association (.033) of this time with anxiety. However, those who didn’t take treatment (36.9%), were showed to have bad mental condition (50.0%). There is a strong association with anxiety.
Pages | 46-55 |
Year | 2022 |
Issue | 2 |
Volume | 2 |