Mohammad Ichsan Rasyid
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Advertising is one of the public health communication tools that can be used to promote public health information. Before the Covid-19 vaccination program begin in Indonesia, the Covid-19 Vaccine Advertising Campaign themed ‘Tak Kenal Maka Tak Kebal’ was launched to socialize the vaccination program and to educate the role of vaccine to the Indonesian public. This study aims to understand how the campaign elaborates the vaccine benefit to the human body and to propose guidelines on how to campaign a vaccine by applying the concept of positioning. The study applied the framework of the Elaboration Likelihood Theory Model to analyze which elaboration routes and message strategy applied by the campaign. This study also aims to test if the campaign communicates the benefit of vaccines correctly and clearly. The methodology of this study is the Qualitative Descriptive method. Data gathered from relevant literature reviews and the advertising material was collected from various sources including the official Indonesia Covid-19 Special Task Force website. The method allows this study to elucidate the applied message strategy in the Advertising campaign. Online testing questionnaires were also distributed to provide supporting data in the study. The result of the analysis shows that the campaign applied the central route and ‘Show the Benefit’ message strategy to communicate the vaccine benefit to the human body. The visual image used in the Ad Campaign requires verbal message elaboration to reduce its ambiguity. The analysis also finds that Bahasa Indonesia’s translation of immunity and vaccine benefit message elaboration in the Ad has the potential to be misunderstood and misperceived by the audience. Therefore, communication guidelines to campaign vaccine through Advertising is needed for future vaccine campaigns, particularly in Indonesia. The positioning concept can be applied to provide an initial guideline to campaign vaccine as a product. The study analysis focuses only on the two-dimension static Advertising Campaign material. Further research on richer medium and other forms of campaign methods and techniques can be analyzed and tested to identify the effective strategy to campaign vaccine benefit. Campaigning for a vaccine is not an easy task. It requires meticulous message elaboration to deliver the right message and create the right perception. Applying the concept of positioning in the vaccine campaign can be a way to define the right message and method to promote vaccines and to support vaccination activities in the future.
Pages | 01-07 |
Year | 2022 |
Issue | 1 |
Volume | 2 |